August 9, 2009

Testing 1, 2

I had an idea...could I email myself photos I took on my iPhone and then post them on my blog? You bet I can! The no photo slump is over!! Don't tell anyone that I took this photo while driving Olivia to school one day. These mountains never get old to me. They are breathtaking - this photo doesn't do them justice.

Here's where the girls and I spent our Sunday (no Daddy today...he is battening down the hatches for the approaching hurricane). Don't feel too sorry for me do ya? That little surfer on the left is my Olivia!

Ok, now that I know I can do this you will be seeing more of us. 3 posts in one day, that might be a record.

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1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I know I should not "covit"(spelling?), but I am green with envy about the phone:)