September 29, 2009


You might have noticed from my ticker counter that we have been in Hawaii for 2 months, 2 weeks and 5 days. That's also how long it took us to register the MG! Recap:

To register a car in Hawaii (you are required to do so within 30 days) you must:
1. Obtain a "non-resident military form" from your command
2. Update your insurance policy to Hawaii no-fault AND have your insurance card printed on special watermarked paper from a local agency
3. Have your car safety inspected
4. Produce all of the above paperwork PLUS your shipping documents, old registration, address of lien company or title, power of attorney and $20.50 cash at your friendly DMV.
5. Get your registration and go BACK to the same safety inspection station for your sticker


Your car is an "older" car with a "short" VIN number and then you will be turned away with said documents to also
6. Get your car weighed at a certified weigh station
7. Have your car "vin verified" by ONE place on the whole island (that is not very good at returning phone calls by the way


You discover the night before the vin verification that when your car was restored that the vin plates were removed and are in your household goods shipment which you don't have because you aren't moving into your house for another month. (By the way, don't bother driving back to the DMV with this story to see if you can extend the 30 day temporary registration because in a word the answer is NO)

Ok, you are getting the gist. Found the vin plates, got the inspection, realized the military non-resident form and the safety inspection have expired by now. Re-do both, go back to the DMV, obtain registration, go back to the safety inspection and obtain sticker. Nothing to it.

Here are some cute shots of Em before picture day at school. Nothing to do with my story but way cuter than shots of the MG!!

Isn't she a hoot?

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1 comment:

Tiffany said...

She is stink'n cute!