October 2, 2010

Group Outings

I think I told you I was accompanying Emily's class to their field trip this week.  Big news...she got to ride a BUS!!!  This is major for a kid who has only been to private schools in her young, little life!  She was very excited and even picked out an outfit for me to wear.  I sent her off to school and went upstairs to get dressed and discovered it laying on my bed: plaid skirt, floral tank top and high heels!  Um, yes, I promptly threw on my favorite jeans, t-shirt, and flip flops and headed out. 

Emily's reaction to my outfit when I showed up in her classroom and I quote: "what happened?"  Insert sad little puzzled look here.  Quick thinking response "I thought I might be cold in the theater so I chose pants!"  (Whew...am I good or what?)  Her response: "well, you could have worn the shoes!"  Yes, even when I am nestled in between her and 28 other 5 yr olds bouncing on the bus while loosing what little hearing I have left, I manage to fail her.

Somehow she mustered up the courage to be seen with me and had a fun time.  We went to a "dinosaur play" put on by a local theater group which was very fun and highly interactive for the little balls of energy.  Lots of yelling and laughing!  They are pretty cute aren't they? That little boy in the middle sat with us on the way home and he talked more than she did!  Really!  Funny how at that age they will tell you EVERYTHING.  I am happy to report that his dad no longer answers the phone in the car after two accidents :)

Fast forward 6 years and they are much bigger but no less loud!  Olivia's team (the Hot Tamales) took a trip last night to watch the UH women's soccer team play.  Late night + tons of sugar = 5-0 shut out on the field today :(  Not their best game but they had lots of fun!

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