August 24, 2011

Technical difficulties! Please stand by.

I haven't fallen into a volcano, I'm just patiently (or not) waiting for some photos to become available so I can show you our AWESOME surf day!

The girls had last Friday off (already) so David took the day off and the three of them went for a surf lesson.  The company was amazing and even had a photographer on hand with his handy telephoto lens to capture the madness.  

They all did great, but none as well as my littlest mermaid!  Emily had a "private" lesson which translates into being on the board with a cute hawaiian who literally pulled her up with him.  You should have heard her - or better yet seen her.  She was riding the waves within minutes and spent her time waving to all the other schmucks doing their best in the water around her.  What a hoot.

The photographer got fantastic shots and for the low, low price of $40 they got to be 3-5 days.  Grrrr, today is day 5 but that includes weekend days and to be honest 5 days in Hawaii can be anywhere from 7-15. 

I didn't pay for a lesson but they gave me a turn too - I'd say I was about 75% vertical for about 4 seconds but that was enough to get some shots of me "shredding" the waves.  Ok, not really.  It's comical but we had an awesome family day. 

Pictures soon - I hope!

The rest of our life is pretty standard; school, homework, soccer, but now we are adding hula, gymnastics and confirmation class.  We were suffering from underachievement issues.  

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