October 22, 2009

It's all about the dress!

So enough about my kids right? (Gasp...really?) No, not really, I know that's why you come! We have been a tad on the boring side lately though and I was told by my Mom today it was time for a new post.

Olivia is sailing on Monday and Wednesdays and has soccer on Tuesday and Thursdays. I think somewhere between those two is a little school and homework also. Emily does dance on Tuesday and soccer on Thursday (can't wait to see what tonight's outfit brings) so as you can see, it's left precious time for little else. At least a few of my loyal blog followers are mothers to 4 if not 5 children and to you I say "what are you nuts?" Ha ha, not really - my hats off to you, you are at least 3x the women that I am (and probably 3x as tired).

Not to disappoint...here are some shots of us at the Navy Balls 1 and 2. When I say us I clearly mean mostly me but hey, it's all about the dress (oh- and the shoes...cute huh?)

I have to add here that when I came down the stairs in this very sparkly dress (click on the photo to enlarge to get the full effect of just how glittery it is) Emily's eyes got as big as saucers and she said "OH MAMA...let me see your shoes!" I pulled up the hem to reveal a pair of matching even more sparkly (if that's possible) strappy sandals and she put her hands to her chest and asked "can I do your makeup?" It's nice to know that Cindy the maid can still be transformed into the queen of the castle from time to time! I don't believe she thought I had it in me :)

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Rebecca said...

I'd say you clean up well, my friend!


Tiffany said...
