March 11, 2012

Tea for Two

I L.O.V.E. that Emily is old enough now to have self-sustaining play dates.  In earlier years having a friend over meant a constant stream of new ideas for 10 minute attention spans and certainly a constant stream of mess to go with it. 

We must have taught them well because there is no shortage of ideas!  Same stuff (school, family, tea party...) but now it's more elaborate and lasts much longer!  

Now I get to spy on them, hear their giggles and the elaborate way they discuss every detail of the "game."  Usually the discussion of rules lasts longer than the actual activity...thus proving my theory that the Devil is in the details and you really can't over-plan an event!!  

I can hear you now.  "There are no rules for a tea party!"  Haha, peasants!  Of course their are.  Look closely, the dishes are laid out only on the white petals of the flower, there are equal numbers of goldfish and without a doubt...pinky's are up when sipping.  

I think this was the "WAIT...we forgot to pray!" moment before snack.  I will credit private school with that one.  

I think you can learn a lot about the way you talk to your children while listening to them play.  My girlfriends and I must be doing ok, they are super sweet with each other!  

No, still no sign of the teeth.

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