April 23, 2010

I know, I know!

My Mom gently told me today that my blog was gathering dust...time for an update! I know, I know. It really has been bugging me too but honestly I have just been so busy which is nothing new but I've been busy with boring stuff so that combination makes it tough!

Let's see...where did we leave off. Kauai right? Maybe that's why I haven't posted, I wish we were still there :) Well, like I said it's been pretty run of the mill since then. Couple trips to the pool, couple sailing excursions, one very excellent diorama for Language Arts (that I forgot to photograph) which took up about 4 solid days of painting and gluing, and one CO/XO spouse symposium almost under my belt. I'll fill you in on that later!

School is wrapping up and will be done for the girls at the end of May. Olivia is having a poetry night at school next week and as such has been writing poetry for her assignments. She is a great writer and since I can't wow you with any great photos this week I will share one with you. She is so darn cute :) Side note (Dom is a kid in her class that apparently loves meat)

Can you Imagine:

Science with no why,
Penguins that can fly

A ruler that can’t measure
Happiness without pleasure

Youth without the young
A singer that hasn’t sung

Teachers with no tests
Sleep without the rest

A gamble with no bet
Best friends that haven’t met

A Dom that hates bacon
Feelings that can be taken

Christmas with no fun
Numbers without one

A poem that never ends
Life with no friends

Boxing with no fists
Instructions with no list

Imagine That!

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