April 8, 2012

He is RISEN!!

I figured if I didn't post soon, you would all delete my blog off your favorite places!  This time my absence hasn't been due to lack of activity but a total abundance!  Lots of company always means lots of fun activities - dolphins, turtles, waterfalls and whales.  I haven't had time to wade through all the photos and jazz them up for you so thats a promise of things to come!

We managed to fit in our egg dying last night, just in time for the Easter Bunny's arrival :)

No, still no teeth

Egg dying is serious business in a house full of artists (since Grandpa is here we are fuller than normal with creativity)

My little chickadee was up at 5:45 am dragging us out of bed to go see what we got.  As usual, no disappointments.  

Now that the sugar rush is out of the way, we are off to church to celebrate.  Easter always reminds me of our time in Memphis. Olivia was two and we had just found out we were moving so there was a lot of mention of "DC" in the house over a few weeks.  When Easter came we went to church and everyone was saying "He is Risen...He is Risen INDEED". Someone said that to Olivia and she responded..."He is Risen in DC!"  If only it were so ;)

Happy Easter

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