September 26, 2008

Calling all teachers...

OK, I know that my blog has a pretty small readership probably including lets teachers...but just in case I have a message for you. If you don't want to be a teacher and hate kids...quit!

Seriously. Because the ones who do love their jobs totally rock.

I met Olivia's new teacher last night (back to school night) and I nearly kissed her. Dramatic yes but I really loved her. She was everything you would want your child's teacher to be and very much the person you want her spending 7 hours a day with. I won't bore you with every character trait but suffice it to say my slightly brilliant, sometimes spacey, but always interesting little girl is in VERY good hands.

Em story of the day: (and yes, it's only 9:15 am)...she locked me out of the house when I walked Olivia outside to catch the bus. She kept looking out the window cracking up at me who was very calmly (OK yelling) "this is NOT funny young lady...let me in!!"

She did - looked right at me and said "It was funny though."

Ha ha

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